Minggu, 01 Juli 2018


Subject Verb Agreement

S +  V + O

  • The elevator works well
  • The elevators work well
  • The boys in the room are noisy
S + prepositional phrase + aux verb

  • The study of languages is very interesting
  • The effects of drugs are dangerous
  • The fear of rape and robbery has caused many people to flee the city
Ada 4 expressions yang tidak mempengaruhi verb-nya, yaitu
  1. together with
  2. along with
  3. accompanied by
  4. as well as
catatan : perhatikan subject "sebelum" ke 4 expression di atas
  • The actress, along with the director and crews is going to the party
    jika tanpa "along with"
    The actress, the director and crews are going to the party
  • Mr and Mrs Ibrahim accompanied by their son are having dinner to celebrate  their anniversary
  • The teacher as well as the students is in the hall
  • The president together with the ministers is welcoming the members of scout-boys

  1. Sinta, along with her friends (is/are) planning a surprise party
  2. The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories
  3. Mr. Rajiman, accompanied by several members of the congress (have/has) proposed some changes
  4. The level of intexication (is/are) increasing
  5. If the duties of these officers (isn't/aren't) reduced, there won't be enough time to finish everything
Answer ; 1) is   2) bring   3) has    4) is    5) aren't

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