Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

Penggunaan Any, No, Some

any-, no-, dan some- 
ketiga kata di atas HARUS /SELALU diikuti oleh singular noun atau pronoun

(any/no/some) + singular noun/pronoun
          |     |
          |     |
anybody, anyone, anything
nobody, none, nothing
somebody, someone, something
everybody, everyone, everything

  • Everybody needs to drink water 2 liters per day
  • Somethig was/were  under the bed
  • Anybody who has lost their passport must report to the embassy
  • No problem is harder to solve than this one
  • Nobody works harder than Maya does


none + of the + non-count noun + singular verb
  • None of the counterfelt money has been found

none + of the + plural count noun + plural verb
  • None of the students have finished the exam

no + (singular noun/non-count noun) + singular verb
  • No example is relevant to this case

no + (plural noun) + plural verb
  • No examples are relevant to this case

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