Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Tata Krama mengirim Pesan ke Dosen

Well, Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Postingan kali ini akan berbicara tentang etika dan tata krama mengirim pesan ke dosen via SMA/WA.

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

Wisudawan-wisudawati Angkatan 92 UNTAD (S1 Pend.Fisika'14)

1. Christison Luist David Horonis, S.Pd
2. Kartika Juniariyani, S.Pd
3. Husnia, S.Pd
4. Ni Kadek Ardiani, S.Pd
5. Wayan Sudarsana, S.Pd
6. Sartika, S.Pd
7. Suci Fathul Ismi, S.Pd
8. Janli Novrenli Makitulung, S.Pd
9. Ma'firani Syam, S.Pd
10. Kartini Nursetya, S.Pd

Selasa, 03 Juli 2018


Verb tidak hanya diikuti oleh noun, tetapi bisa juga diikuti oleh verb lainnya dan diubah sebagai suatu complement

Berikut kata-kata kerja yang harus diikuti oleh infinitive ( + to V)
(harus dihafalkan agar tidak terjadi kekeliruan)
- agree
- desire
- decide
- hope
- strive
- prepare
- refuse
- hesitate

- attempt
- expect
- want
- forget

- tend
- demand
- intend
- need
- pretend

- fail
- offer
- wish
- claim
- learn
- plan
- seen


  • Rizal expects to begin studying law
  • Risma learned to swim when she was five
  • The president will attempt to reduce inflation in the next four years
  • The soldiers are preparing to attack the village

Berikut kata-kata kerja yang harus diikuti oleh gerund
(harus dihafalkan agar tidak terjadi kekeliruan)
- admit
- delay
- miss
- report
- suggest
- appreciate
- deny
- postpone
- resent
- avoid
- enjoy
- practice
- resist
- can't help
- finish
- quit
- resume
- consider
- mind
- recall
- risk

  • Roy admitted stealing the ring
  • We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years
  • You shouldn't risk entering that forbidden building
  • Nada was considering buying a new car until the prices went up
  • The coast guard has reported seeing another ship in the Florida street
  • Would you mind not smoking in this office?

Berikut verb + preposition yang harus diikuti oleh gerund
- approve of
- give uo
- rely on
- worry about
- be better of
- insist on 
- succeed in
- count on
- keep on
- think about
- think of
- depend on
- put off

  • Depi gave up smoking
  • Dera insisted on taking the bus
  • Harry is thinking of going to Buol next holiday

"To" disini bukan sebagai pembentuk infinitif tetapi merupakan preposition dari verb nya. Berikut verbnya
- object to
- look forward to
- confess of

  • I look forward to hearing good news from you
  • Risti confess to stealing the ring

Senin, 02 Juli 2018

There are, There is

(There is/There was/There has been) + singular subject/non-count noun
(There are/There were/There have been) + plural subject

  • There is storm approaching
  • There was an accident last night
  • There have been a number of calls for you today

Minggu, 01 Juli 2018


a number of + plural noun + plural verb
the number of + plural noun + singular verb

  • A number of applicants have already been interviewed
  • The number of residents who have been questioned on this matter is quite big
  • A number of students are visiting the museums
  • The number of days in a week is seven

Collective Nouns

yaitu noun yang mengekspresikan kumpulan orang atau binatang
biasanya bentuk dari singular (ex; congress, organization, goverment, family, team, group, army, majority, minority, commitee, club, class, public) sehingga verb yang mengikuti dalam bentuk singular
  • The majority believes that we are in danger 
  • The committee is having a meeting now
  • The crowd was wild with excitement
  • Congress has initiated a new plan
  • The organization has lost many members this year
  • Our team is going to win
tapi jika noun diikuti oleh plural noun maka verb yang mengikutinya harus dalam bentuk plural

  • The majority of the students have not submitted their paper

Berikut beberapa collective nouns yang biasa mengekspresikan sekelompok hewan dan verb yang digunakan juga harus dalam bentuk singular verb, antara lain
- flock of birds, sheep
- herd of cattle
- pack of dogs
- school of fish
- pride of lions


  • The flock of birds is circling overhead 
  • The heard of cattle is breaking away
  • A school of fish is being attacked by a shark

Berikut beberapa collective noun yang mengindikasikan waktu, uang, dan pengukuran seluruhnya selalu dalam bentuk singular misalnya

  • Twenty dollars is too much for a shirt like that
  • Fifteen minutes is not enough
  • Two kilometers is too far for him

Gerund as Subject

Gerund adalah verb yang mendapat tambahan -ing.
V-ing biasanya digunakan dalam continuous tense.

Jika gerund berfungsi sebagai subject dalam sebuah kalimat dalam tenses apapun itu, maka gerund tersebut sebagai singular subject sehingga verb yang mengikutinya harus dalam bentuk singular verb


  • Dieting is very popular today
  • Writing many letters makes her happy
  • Not studying has caused him problems

Either or Neither

Either and Neither
bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah penghubung

neither + noun + nor + noun (singular/plural) + V (singular/plural verb)
either + noun + or + noun (singular/plural) + V (singular/plural verb)

Catatan :
verb tergantung noun yang diikuti verb tersebut
neither actually means not either


  • Neither Imam nor his friends are going to the beach today
  • Either Imam or his friend is going to the beach today
  • Neither Jay nor Wahid is going to class today
  • Neither Widya nor her friends are going to class today
  • Either Ben or Ray is bringing the car
  • Either Sarah or the boys have seen the movie

Penggunaan Any, No, Some

any-, no-, dan some- 
ketiga kata di atas HARUS /SELALU diikuti oleh singular noun atau pronoun

(any/no/some) + singular noun/pronoun
          |     |
          |     |
anybody, anyone, anything
nobody, none, nothing
somebody, someone, something
everybody, everyone, everything

  • Everybody needs to drink water 2 liters per day
  • Somethig was/were  under the bed
  • Anybody who has lost their passport must report to the embassy
  • No problem is harder to solve than this one
  • Nobody works harder than Maya does


none + of the + non-count noun + singular verb
  • None of the counterfelt money has been found

none + of the + plural count noun + plural verb
  • None of the students have finished the exam

no + (singular noun/non-count noun) + singular verb
  • No example is relevant to this case

no + (plural noun) + plural verb
  • No examples are relevant to this case


Subject Verb Agreement

S +  V + O

  • The elevator works well
  • The elevators work well
  • The boys in the room are noisy
S + prepositional phrase + aux verb

  • The study of languages is very interesting
  • The effects of drugs are dangerous
  • The fear of rape and robbery has caused many people to flee the city
Ada 4 expressions yang tidak mempengaruhi verb-nya, yaitu
  1. together with
  2. along with
  3. accompanied by
  4. as well as
catatan : perhatikan subject "sebelum" ke 4 expression di atas
  • The actress, along with the director and crews is going to the party
    jika tanpa "along with"
    The actress, the director and crews are going to the party
  • Mr and Mrs Ibrahim accompanied by their son are having dinner to celebrate  their anniversary
  • The teacher as well as the students is in the hall
  • The president together with the ministers is welcoming the members of scout-boys

  1. Sinta, along with her friends (is/are) planning a surprise party
  2. The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories
  3. Mr. Rajiman, accompanied by several members of the congress (have/has) proposed some changes
  4. The level of intexication (is/are) increasing
  5. If the duties of these officers (isn't/aren't) reduced, there won't be enough time to finish everything
Answer ; 1) is   2) bring   3) has    4) is    5) aren't

Berkas Wisuda UNTAD

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 
(menjawab salam itu ...

Untuk teman-teman yang sudah menyelesaikan tugas akhirnya, dan sudah yudisium. Pasti gelar yang diperoleh ingin diresmikan dan dilantik langsung oleh Bapak Rektor melalui kegiatan yang dikenal dengan sebutan "WISUDA". Berdasarkan pengalaman saya, berkas wisuda ini sangat sangat sangat banyak. So, melalui tulisan ini, saya ingin berbagi informasi terkait apa saja berkas-berkas yang dikumpulkan untuk mengikuti wisuda. Tetapi sebelumnya, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada teman-teman yang sudah yudisium (yeyeyeye...applause) dan semoga ilmu yang diperoleh selama perkuliahan berkah dan dapat bermanfaat, aaamiiin. Sukses selalu.