Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Part of Speech

naaah, berikut ini adalah pelajaran kelas X loooh. cekcekcek . . . di ambil dari buku catatan saya yang apa adanya daripada bukunya nanti hilang toh. hehhee :D

1. Noun (Kata benda)
Noun is the word used to give the name of an object, person, place, or an abstract quality. Five kinds of noun;
a. Common noun are the of common objects (not particular)
b. Proper noun are the names of particular person, place, etc
c. Material noun are the names of matter or substance of which things are made
d. Collective noun are the names of a collection of  similar individuals, thought as one complete whole
e. Abstract noun are the names of qualities, states, or action

2. Pronoun (Kata ganti)
Pronoun stand for things, but aren't the names of things. Pronoun are divided into four classes, such as;
a. Personal pronoun stands for things and or anymores;
    - The person who is speaking
    - The person who is spoken to
    - The person of things spoken off
b. Demonstrative pronoun are pronoun that point out the nouns, some phares or clauses going before. The function is to avoid the repetition of the same noun
c. Interrogative pronoun are use in asking a question either directly or indrectly
d. Relative pronoun

3. Adjective (Kata sifat)
Adjective is a word used to describe or qualify a noun or pronoun. The kinds of adjective are;
a. Proper adjectives describe a thing by some proper noun
b. Descriptive adjectives describe a noun or pronoun
c. Quantitative adjectives shows how much of a thing is meant
d. Numeral adjectives indicated the number of the noun that it qualifies
e. Demonstrative adjectives points out the noun that it qualifies
f. Distributive adjectives restricts the application of a noun by showing that the person or things denoted by the noun are taken singly
g. Interrogative adjectives restricts the application of a noun by asking a question
h. Possesive adjectives denotes possesion

4. Verb (Kata kerja)
Each sentences in english must have at least one verb. There are three kinds of verbs in english
a. Auxiliary verbs (use only if inflectional process)
    - To be
       Present : am, is, are
       Past : was, were
    - To do
       Present : do, does
       Past : did
    - To have
       Present : has, have
       Past : had
b. Marginal verbs
    Modal auxiliary (example)
    - Central
       Present : shall, will, can, may, have to, must
       Past : should, would, could, might, had to
    - Marginal : need to, dare to, use to, ought to
    - Idiom : had better, would rather
    - Semi : have to, be able to, be going to, be suppose to, be willing to, be meant to
c. Lexical verbs
    - Based in verb classificate
    - Based on inflectional process
    - Based on structural used

5. Adverb (Keterangan)
An adverb is a word used to modify any part of speech except a noun or pronoun. In this case, an adverb can qualify a verb, adjective, other adverb, preposition, and conjuction
Adverb can be divided into 3 classes, they are;
a. Simple adverb
    Can be divided into six;
    - Time : yesterday, tomorrow, today, etc
    - Place : here, there, where, somewhere, etc
    - Manner : slowly, quietly, fast, etc
    - Degree : very, too, rather, almost, etc
    - Reason : wherefore, thus, why, etc
    - Frequency : never, hardly, always, etc
b. Interrogative adverb
c. Relative adverb
    Relative adverbs do the work of relative pronoun but precedet by preposition

6. Preposition (Kata depan)
Preposition is a word before or after a noun or pronoun or noun equivalent which connects iit with the rest of the sentences.
There are three kinds of preposition
- a that clause
- infinitive clause
- a subjective cause from of a personal pronoun

7. Conjuction (Kata sambung)
8. Interjenction (Kata seru)
9. Numeral (Bilangan)
10. Article (Kata sandang)

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