Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Drama Princess in The Prison

Characters :
Gies as King                     
Asrini as Queen             
Luvi as Princess              
Fitri as Sergeant             
Pipit as Wicked woman
Tantra and Fira as Knight

“Princess in the Prison”

Once, in the kingdom named Petobo bangkit Petobo berprestasi. Lived a king named Sukirman and queen named nyai roro sukimin. They had a princess named sumberella.

In sumberella’s birthday

Sergeant : “Dear king of Petobo bangkit Petobo berprestasi, our beloved king all of us are proud of nothing else but you our  king  and queen of Petobo kingdom, now we all pray for her princess

Not long after that, came the evil woman that was so evil and cruel wanted to take for queen sukimin

Wicked woman : hahaha your happiness should be ended now
Queen : why do you come here again the evil woman?
Wicked woman : some people that got will came again, I’ll have my revenge to you the prim girl!
Queen  : Hold dare you speak like that evil woman ! (slap the evil woman)
King : stop, stop my wife. She’s just a poor woman who doesn’t know about the good manners.
Wicked woman: How  brave you slap me, prim girl. Now feel my revenge hahaha . this is my new stance (kidnap sumbrella)
Princess : help !! help me , , dad , , mom :o Let me go , let me go . you ugly witch
King : my princess ! Don’t take her away
Queen : Noooo !!! (fainting)

Meanwhile, the evil woman who kidnaped sumberella take it be hid the bar fence into the prison, where there is no people can get out of there, except on one condition . . .

Wicked woman : enter my prison!
Sergeant : she can’t go out from here , can she?
Wicked woman : yes of course, she can’t go out except she can find this prison’s key hahaha!
Sergeant : key ? isn’t this prison had cursed so there will be nobody can get out here once they get in
Wicked woman : oow can not, there is an old book in the library that explains how to open this prison
sergeant : ooo like that
Wicked woman : yes of course
Wicked woman and sergeant : hahahha !

Meanwhile, in the kingdom’s palace

Queen : where is our princess ?
King : the evil woman took her away, and maybe she’ll put her into the prison
Queen : what ? devil prison ? what prison is that?
King : yes, the prison is so awful, our princess wont get out from that prison, unless there is someone who can find the key

While in devil’s prison

Princess : dad, mom help me , I’m afraid . . . :’(
Sergeant :Just shut your mouth little girl! They only thing that you can do is crying, crying and always crying. Huft a spoiled child!
Knight 1 : (bring a wood from behid and then hit sergeant)
Sergeant : aaaa (fainting)
Knight 2 : princess , are you okay?
Princess :  okay ? don’t you see I’m crying like this? Absolutely, I’m not okay!
Knight 1 : so? How can we do to set you free then?
Knight 2 : aaah too much talking, let me handle this, this is girl’s thing!
Princess : actually, I heard the conversation between the evil woman and her slave, I think recognize the voice of the evil’s slave,it’s the king’s sergeant thought
Knight2 : Sergeant? But impossible, are you sure?
Princess : I’m sure that’s the king’s sergeant. Just believe it, now both of you go to the warehouse books in the basement. Look for oldest book. In there, there is a secret to open this prison
Knight 1 : Alright , fellow! I know what we must do?

In the

Knight 1 : where is the book ?
Knight 2 : let’s search lah kan, how can you ask such a silly question !

.... (looking for a book)

Knight 2 : hey , this is the book !. “the devil’s prison can’t be open exceptyou can find the diamond key
Knight 1 : then ? where is the key ?
Knighta 2 : here is the map. “first we have to climb Tondo Hill, and cross Petobo’s river, and entered Biromaru field. The key is in a forbidden house. Next are the (dora the explorer) hill, river, Biromaru’s field. What is this? At each location there is a clue”
Knight 1 : you, looked like Dora
Knight 2 : eh, first we have to go to the palace!
Knight 1 : for what?
Knight 2 : to tell the king that he needs to worry about anything, because we’ll anything save the princess
Knight 1 : well , let’s go !

Meanwhile, the king was talking with his trusted sergeant in the hall of the palace, the king didn’t know if in fact sergeant was slave of the evil woman

King : now, what’s our plan sergeant ? will we prepar something to confort the evil woman?
Sergeant : I don’t know , but what about the queen?
King : yes , she got seriously ill because thinking of sumbrella
Sergeant : I’m sorry to hear that your majesty
King : so , what should we do ? should we go to the evil woman’s palace?

Suddenly . . .

Knight 1 : That is unnecessary my lord
Knight 2 : we are going to find the key, to set the princess free from the prison
Sergeant : who are you ?  how  brave you come here!
King : yes, who you are.  Are you sure that you can find the key?
Knight 2 : we are the two knights , we promise we will go to find the key
Sergeant : impossible! You’re nobody. Especially you! you are just a woman (pointing knight 2). How can you find the key?
Knight 2 : don’t underestimate me just because I am a woman !
Knight 1 : we’re serious and we believe we can. If necessary, our lives are at stake.
King : yes, if it is so, you should be able to free the princess, if not, you will be beheaded! Okay!
Knight 1 and 2 : yes your majesty

After that, all knights get out from the palace and continue their way to Tondo hill

While climbing the hill . . .

Knight 1 : ouch , is it still far? I’m so tired
Knight 2 : don’t be desperate friend. We haven’t married. Eh , wrong . let’s go , we need to keep our promise

Meanwhile, in evil’s palace

Sergeant : madam, there are two knights who are willing to find the key
Wicked woman : what? How do they know about it. Where are they now?
Sergeant : just ask to the magic mirror
Wicked woman : the magic mirror show me!, where are the two knights located ? . . .  .

Wicked woman : they already arrived at Tondo hill. Okay, I must block them. Slave sukarjo !, go out and block them! JRENG JRENG JRENG !!

Slave sukarjo : hahahaha
Knight 1 : astagfirullohaladzim, who is it ?
Knight 2 : maybe, it is a native of this Hill
Knight 1 : of course that person must not be a comedian. But, lets attack him, hiaaaaat !!!!

sukarjo lose  ............

Knight 2 : that’s . . .
Knight 1 : what ?
Knight 2 : maybe, a box of key. Lets open it!
Knight 1 : what ?! Let’s try again?! (as he opened the box)
Knight 2 : that’s not montea or ale ale right?
Knight 1 : no, it isn’t  . It’s only a regular  box!
Knight 2 : well, just move on to the Petobo’s river

In the palace of the evil woman.

Sergeant : madam, there is an important news
Wicked woman : what’s the important news ? you shocked me, you know!
Sergeant : Sukarjo lose. What’s our plan now?
Wicked woman : take it easy. We still have slave Sarismin . ahahaha . magic mirror, show me wherethe knights located! Slave Sarismin, go out and block them!

In the meantime
at Petobo River

Knight 1: (singing) (kampoeng
nan jauh di mato)
Knight 2: What song is it? ya this song is cool (setting smash song,
and than dancing)

Knight 1: stop! Here
it is the Petobo River
Sarismin : AHHAHAHAHA!
Knight 1: astagfirulloh. what else is it?
Knight 2:
it must be from the evil woman again
Knight 1: 1,2,3
attack ...

finally the second enemy  lose again..............

Knight 2: that's it! (Find the second clue)
Knight 1:
hope,  not try again. what? you are not lucky
Knight 2: I'm sure this must be ale-ale
or montea
Knight 1: let's go again, do not
give up!

the palace of evil woman

Wicked woman: the magic mirror, now  show me the location of the two knights! What? slave Sarismin has lost! Now , I’ll fight them myself!

Biromaru’s field.

Knight 2: that’
s the real hidden treasure box

suddenly, evil women come . . .

Wicked woman : not as easy as you think! Step over my corpse! Hahahaha
Knight 1 : lets attack . ..  hiatt . ..
Sergeant : what is this? Madam?! What do you do with her?!
Knight 2 : never mind, she is suitable like that, and you’re next!
Sergeant : oooo can not
Knight 1 : let’s attack!

Finally, the evil woman and her slave lost  and the knights got the key

Princess : the knights hurry up !
Knight (all) : P
Princess : have you succeed to get the key?
Knight 1 : yes of course, already. We’re the strong knights, clever and gaul !
Princess : if like that , open the bars now!

Knight 1 opened the prison with the key

Princess : thank you so much. You have saved me
Knight1: let's g
o back the princess, your parents must be worried!

kingdom palace..

Princess: Dad!
King: my
daughter. You're back!
Princess: yes dad,, where
is mother?
King: in fact
her ............ mother had died two days ago.

Knight 1: never mind. let her rest in
Princess: You do not understand,
King: never mind my
daughter, tomorrow we’ll got your mother’s grave

The princess and the
kingdom family went to the tomb of queen nyai roro sukimin

Princess: daddy , Can you left me alone here, please
Well if that is your wish, but do not be too long
Princess: (talking on a tombstone) mother, why did
you leave me? Mother do not die huuuhuuuuuu

mam, in fact I have a feeling to one of the knight, but I'm afraid mom, if you are here, you will understand, you will know what should I do!
Have you done my daughter?
Princess: yes dad, dad ...
will you do  if I do not marry to the noblman?
King: You want to marry with whom my
Princess: I want to marry ssssduaygasyiu (whisper to the king)
King: Okay,
I will think about that

The princess and the
kingdom family returned to the palace, and then the king gave an announcement to the knight

King: Thanks to you two brave knights who had saved
my daughter, for that, I'll give a gift to you the courage knights, I give this titanium sword as a symbol of courage, for the second knight, I give this book as a symbol of the infinite knowledge of yours, and for the first knight, will you marry with my daughter?
Knight1: what?! Mr. King
you are kidding right?
King: of course not, w
ont you?
Knight 1: not
like that king, it will receive your daughter, but I am afraid it is not accepted by the laws, and the princess does not love me.
Princess: not I love you
Knight 1: princess, is that correct? Will you marry me? (Thrust ring)
Princess: of course I
am willing to. I do

The Princess had accepted the
propose of the Knights 1, and a few days later they got married and ultimately live happily ever after.

------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------

Sumber : Drama "Putri yang dikurung"

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